Members of the LGBTQ2S+ community have existed since the beginning of recorded time, and they have made their mark on World history as well as influencing our community collective history. Sadly, our presence, even our mere existence in some times was looked down on with disdain and prejudice, yet we endured, fought, and secured our loves, our families, and our community.

This is a brief timeline of some of the highlights of our history to date.


2020 – PRESENT

San Francisco History

  • 2024 On January 27, the building at 101 Taylor Street which housed the Gene Compton’s Cafeteria, was added to the National Register of Historic Places. This is where, one night in August of 1966, an angry drag queen patronizing the Cafeteria reportedly threw a cup of hot coffee in the face of a police officer as he tried to arrest her without a warrant resulting in a riot involving the patrons and SFPD which predates the Stonewall riot in New York by at least two years.

San Francisco Police Department History

  • If you have any suggestions for SFPD historical events during this decade, please email us at

United States of America History

World History

  • 2023 Hong Kong, China and Guadalajara, Mexico co-hosts the eleventh Gay Games, an international sports and cultural event.


San Francisco History

  • If you have any suggestions for significant San Francisco historical events during this decade, please email us at

San Francisco Police Department History

United States of America History

World History

  • 2018 Paris, France hosts the tenth Gay Games, an international sports and cultural event.
  • 2016 A record high of 56 openly LGBTQ Olympians participate in the Summer Olympics Games in Rio de Janeiro.
  • 2014 Cleveland and Akron, USA hosts the ninth Gay Games, an international sports and cultural event.
  • 2010 Cologne, Germany hosts the eighth Gay Games, an international sports and cultural event.


San Francisco History

San Francisco Police Department History

United States of America History

World History


San Francisco History

San Francisco Police Department History

  • If you have any suggestions for SFPD historical events during this decade, please email us at

United States of America History

World History

  • 1998 Amsterdam, Netherlands hosts the fifth Gay Games, an international sports and cultural event.
  • 1994 New York City, USA hosts the fourth Gay Games, an international sports and cultural event.
  • 1994 Pedro Pablo Zamora, one of the first openly gay men with AIDS portrayed in popular media, dies on 11/11.
  • 1990 World Health Organization declares homosexuality is not an illness.
  • 1990 Vancouver, Canada hosts the third Gay Games, an international sports and cultural event.


San Francisco History

San Francisco Police Department History

  • If you have any suggestions for SFPD historical events during this decade, please email us at

United States of America History

World History


San Francisco History

  • 1979 Voicing anger at the lenient sentencing for Harvey Milk assassin, Dan White, the Gay community marched on City Hall and rioted.
  • 1978 Harvey Milk is assassinated in San Francisco City Hall by a fellow Board of Supervisors member and former SFPD Police Officer Dan White.
  • 1978 Gilbert Baker develops the LGBTQ+ Rainbow Flag as a symbol of hope and PRIDE.
  • 1977 Harvey Milk is the first openly Gay person elected to public office in California.
  • 1972 First San Francisco Pride Parade on Polk Street called the San Francisco Gay Liberation March.
  • 1972 Twin Peaks Tavern, owned by two Lesbian friends Mary Ellen Cunha and Peggy Forster, remove the window coverings, making it the first Gay bar whose interior was visible from the outside.

San Francisco Police Department History

United States of America History

World History

  • 1972 Sweden is the first country in the World to legalize medical transition for trans people.


San Francisco History

San Francisco Police Department History

United States of America History

World History

  • If you have any suggestions for significant World historical events during this decade, please email to us at


San Francisco History

  • 1955 Daughters of Bilitis, the first known Lesbian rights organization, is formed in San Francisco.
  • 1951 California Supreme Court rules that gays have the right to assemble, leading to a proliferation of gay bars, social clubs and political groups in San Francisco.

San Francisco Police Department History

  • If you have any suggestions for SFPD historical events during this decade, please email us at

United States of America History

  • 1952 American Psychiatric Association diagnostic manual lists homosexuality as a sociopathic personality disturbance.
  • 1950 First long-lasting gay organization, the Mattachine Society, is founded in Los Angeles.

World History

  • If you have any suggestions for World historical events during this decade, please email us at


San Francisco History

  • 1945 Thousands of LGBTQ military personnel are demobilized in San Francisco following the end of World War II, and decide to stay creating a large and cohesive LGBTQ community.

San Francisco Police Department History

  • 1948 SFPD and ABC target the Black Cat club due to increasing homosexual clientele.

United States of America History

  • 1948 Biologist and sex researcher Alfred Kinsey publishes “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” which concluded that 37% of men have enjoyed homosexual activities at least once.

World History

  • If you have any suggestions for World historical events during this decade, please email us at

The PAST Before 1940

San Francisco History

  • 1936 Mona’s 440 club opened on Broadway Street, San Francisco’s first Lesbian bar.

San Francisco Police Department History

  • If you have any suggestions for SFPD historical events during this decade, please email us at

United States of America History

  • 1949 Sarah White Norman is charged with “Lewd Behavior” with Mary Vincent Hammon in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  • 1624 Richard Cornish of the Virginia Colony is tried and hanged for sodomy.
  • 1924 The Society for Human Rights is founded by Henry Gerber in Chicago, the first documented Gay Rights organization in the county.

World History

  • 1897 First LGBT rights organization in the World, the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, was established in Berlin, Germany.
  • 1791 France becomes the first Country in the World to decriminalize homosexuality.


Castro Community On Patrol (Castro Patrol / CCOP) is a California nonprofit volunteer safety patrol and education corporation that focuses on enhancing safety and security of the Castro neighborhood in San Francisco for residents, businesses, employees, and visitors.



Castro Community On Patrol, 584 Castro Street #731, San Francisco, CA 94114

Federal 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation Tax ID: 99-1829349