You may make a financial donation to CCOP using our VENMO account or our GOFUNDME campaign or mail a check (saving CCOP the VENMO and GoFundMe handling charges) to:

Castro Community on Patrol,
584 Castro Street #731,
San Francisco, CA 94114


View our IRS Tax ID, W9, Financials and more


To contribute an in-kind service or item, please contact use our CONTACT US option to let us know what you would like to contribute.  We’ll get back to you as soon as possible to discuss options and work out details.

Some in-kind donations we are currently actively seeking are:

  • Public relations / outreach assistance to reach new potential volunteers

  • Donor management assistance to encourage new donors

  • Permanent office space for our organization and our equipment

  • Patrol vehicle and annual insurance

In-kind donations are always welcomed and very much appreciated.  Feel free to contact us to discuss your idea.


We partner with many groups and organizations in mutually beneficial collaborations in a whole host of different ways.  Sometimes we share the costs associated with a joint project effort.  Other times we supply volunteers to a worthwhile cause and we receive a stipend for each volunteer.

If you have a mutually beneficial collaboration in mind, please contact us using our CONTACT US option to let us know what you would like to contribute.  We’ll get back to you as soon as possible to discuss options and work out details.


Castro Community On Patrol (Castro Patrol / CCOP) is a California nonprofit volunteer safety patrol and education corporation that focuses on enhancing safety and security of the Castro neighborhood in San Francisco for residents, businesses, employees, and visitors.



Castro Community On Patrol, 584 Castro Street #731, San Francisco, CA 94114

Federal 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation Tax ID: 99-1829349